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Choosing the Right Platform

Operating as both a WordPress and a Lua Lapis development shop, one of our initial tasks is to make a pivotal decision together: choosing the path we will take in building your new site. This early decision is crucial, as it sets the foundation for your website's development and future success. We're here to navigate you through the pros and cons of each platform, drawing on our expertise to consult and determine the best path forward for your website.


Using WordPress, we empower you to take control of your content. The intuitive user interface allows for easy page updates, ensuring your site stays fresh and engaging. The extensive plugin and theme ecosystem offers expandability and design diversity, complimenting your unique brand identity.
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Our managed Wordpress platform includes a dedicated Redis cache, making your site responsive and reliable in the backend. Leveraging Cloudflare CDN's Automatic Platform Optimization (APO), we ensure your WordPress site benefits from fast load times. Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) protects the application from bad actors.
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At NM Web Kings, we go beyond the basics to create a unique custom theme for your site using Astra and Brizy Pro. This approach allows us to offer a wide range of design possibilities, tailored specifically to your brand's identity. Astra provides a lightweight foundation that ensures fast loading times, while Brizy Pro offers a powerful page builder, to craft engaging, responsive layouts. Together, they form a powerful duo that facilitates the creation of a distinctive, high-performance website optimized for SEO and user engagement.
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Our commitment extends beyond launch, offering ongoing support, updates, and personalized guidance. We safeguard your site with regular security vulnerability scanning, offsite backups, and snapshots, ensuring robust protection. As an added benefit to regular patching, your WordPress site will be kept up-to-date with the latest features.
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For sites that require frequent content updates, such as a news site, WordPress may be the better choice. The user-friendly CMS enables our clients to add new articles or do minor page edits on their own, making it ideal for sites that need to stay current and engaging.
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Lua Lapis Framework

For businesses seeking a boutique web presence with enterprise-grade performance, our Lua Lapis Framework solution delivers unmatched performance and flexibility. NM Web Kings crafts custom websites with Lapis, utilizing the power of the framework to meet your specific business needs.
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Lapis leverages LuaJIT and Nginx for lightning-fast performance and efficient resource management. Advanced caching techniques, including Varnish for static cached HTML responses, and a focus on security with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP) and security headers, ensure your site is not just fast but also secure against online threats.
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Leveraging the Lua Lapis Framework in conjunction with the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework, we create visually stunning, highly customized websites. Bootstrap ensures responsive design across all devices while allowing for deep customization. Our proprietary blog/news engine and social media OpenGraph integration further enhance engagement and SEO, providing a robust foundation for your online presence.
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Managed content updates and unparalleled performance are just the start. Our website, crafted with the Lua Lapis Framework, exemplifies our commitment through exceptional mobile performance, accessibility, adherence to best practices, and SEO optimization, as validated by Google Pagespeed insights.
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While Lapis doesn't include a built-in CMS, we offer comprehensive support for content updates, ensuring your website remains up-to-date. For sites that expect high traffic, Lapis offers significant advantages. With its capacity for extensive customization and performance optimization, Lapis allows us to create a more tailored, high-performing web solution with fewer limitations. Websites built on Lapis can handle larger volumes of traffic efficiently, making it the superior choice for high-traffic scenarios. Projects where unique, boutique design and functionality are paramount, Lapis is the better choice.
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