NM Web Kings - Service Catalog

We envision ourselves as shapers of purposeful domains, partnering with these kinds of organizations.

Nonprofit entities

Educational institutions

Membership-based groups

Religious institutions

Small businesses

Advocacy initiatives

Service Catalog

Web Development

Our expertise spans from WordPress to the OpenResty Lapis framework, empowering businesses, organizations, and professionals to craft exceptional online experiences.

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Fully Managed Hosting and Maintenance

We provide fully managed hosting services with a strong focus on DevOps. We use Docker for secure isolation, ZFS for reliable data snapshots, and Cloudflare for optimized performance and security. With Cloudflare's CDN, APO, and WAF, we ensure fast loading times, enhanced reliability, and strong online protection. This integrated approach guarantees a smooth and secure hosting experience, aligning with DevOps principles.

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Shopify Store Integration

We empower your online business by seamlessly integrating, setting up, and configuring your Shopify store. Our dedicated team ensures a smooth transition, optimizing every aspect to match your brand and enhance the shopping experience. We also provide training to help you confidently manage and grow your store. Simplify your path to a thriving online presence with us.

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Klaviyo CRM Integration

Elevate your marketing with our Klaviyo CRM system, a powerful marketing engine equipped with features like automation workflows and personalized messaging. We seamlessly integrate it, guiding you through its functionalities, including SMS campaigns and bulk mailing, to enhance your reach and nurture customer relationships.

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Organizational Security

As your technology partner, we prioritize digital safety. Our integrated security plan includes Cloudflare Zero Trust, Bitwarden Password Manager, and more. We guide and assist in defending your organization against threats like Ransomware, offering analysis and tailored recommendations and easy integration for a personalized, secure experience.

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